Benefits of Neem Oil

neem oil

Most of us are familiar with the benefits of common plant oils like lavender and peppermint but do you know the amazing benefits of neem oil? This amazing oil can be the answer to all your beauty problems. From skin to nails and hair, it works well for everything!

Let’s have a look at some of the many skin and hair benefits of neem oil.

Hair Growth

Neem oil is packed with antioxidants that work to protect the scalp against damage; consequently, promoting hair growth and improving the overall health of your hair. It also stimulates the growth of the hair follicle by employing its regenerative properties.

Anti-Lice Agent

Rich with insecticidal ingredients, it can be used as an anti-lice agent. It works by restricting the reproduction of lice, eventually eliminating them for good. It is an excellent, 100 % natural remedy to deal with lice and nits without experiencing the adverse effects of harsh chemicals that are used in most anti-lice shampoos.

Anti-oxidative Effects on Skin  

Neem oil has a high percentage of antioxidants. This helps it protect the skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun and act as an anti-aging agent. Furthermore, the high levels of vitamin E in the neem oil help in improving the skin elasticity to make it look younger.

Natural Moisturizer

High in fatty acid, neem oil makes an excellent moisturizer for the skin as well as hair. It penetrates deep into the skin to provide moisturizing and heal even the tiniest cracks in your skin. On the other hand, it acts as a conditioner for your scalp and hair to revitalize dull dry hair leaving them smooth and silky.   

Treatment for Various Skin Conditions

Owing to its antibacterial, antimicrobial and soothing properties, neem oil can be used to treat a number of skin conditions including acne, pimples, skin inflammation and fungal infections.

So, what’s holding you back? It’s time to sit back and let neem oil fix all your skin and hair problems!


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