Probiotics are basically microscopic organisms that live in the digestive tract and are believed to help in digestion, ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, improve immune function, and fight against the effects of harmful bacteria, among other things. For benefits such as these they are often termed as friendly bacteria.
In case your doctor has told you or you feel like the required amount of probiotics is not present in your system, you can introduce them to your body by ingesting foods or supplements that contain probiotics for gaining various health benefits. Probiotics are widely recommended by skin specialists as well. They are said to remove acne and provide clear skin.
What is the best time to take probiotics?
Since probiotics are living organisms, they need optimal conditions of food, water and warmth to survive and thrive. You can maximize their chance of survival by eating them in the right quantity and at the right time.
Many people who take probiotic supplements, such as Complete Probiotics Platinum, do not know the right time to take them. Of course if you are using different food sources to satisfy your probiotic consumption needs, there is no optimal time as you are taking them throughout the day but in order to gain maximum benefits from the supplements you should make an effort in taking them at the right time.
Some people have the misconception that right at the time we wake up and we have an empty stomach is the right time to take probiotics. But at that time the stomach does not have enough of food, water or warmth for the friendly bacteria.
The best and recommended time to consume probiotics in order to have the maximum effect is right before or just after your meal. You may not realize it but the journey through your digestive tract is extremely long and treacherous. The biggest danger that the probiotics face in that journey is the powerful acids present in the digestive system whose sole function is to break down the materials that travel through the passage they are guarding into tiny fragments.
If enough of that acid comes in contact with the outer covering of the probiotic capsule, it could kill the delicate bacteria inside of the capsule meant to reach your guts. The probiotic supplement has to reach your intestine, otherwise it will serve no purpose and will be rendered useless.
By taking your probiotic supplement with your daily meal, you provide a buffering mechanism for it and provide a safe passage to the healthy bacteria through the digestive tract. Along with protection, the meal also provides the friendly bacteria in your probiotic the proper food and nourishment to ensure it survives and grows in your gut once it reaches there.
What to eat with Probiotics?
In a study published in the December 2001 edition of the journal “Beneficial Microbes”, taking a probiotic with 1 percent milk was more effective than taking it with juice or simple water.