Beauty treatments for clear, healthy skin can cost hundreds of dollars. Before you fix your next appointment with your dermatologists, have a look in your kitchen to find the nature’s solution to all your skin problems. Rich in vitamin C and packed with antioxidants, lemon is a super-fruit that can work wonders for you

Beauty treatments for clear, healthy skin can cost hundreds of dollars. Before you fix your next appointment with your dermatologists, have a look in your kitchen to find the nature’s solution to all your skin problems.

Rich in vitamin C and packed with antioxidants, lemon is a super-fruit that can work wonders for your skin. It is a versatile fruit that can provide a number of beauty benefits. Let’s have a look at how you can add it in your daily beauty regime.

1.     Getting Rid of Blackheads

Everyone hates the stubborn blackheads that usually appear around the nose and mouth area due to open pores and oxidation of access oil. Lemons offer an easy way to get rid of them. Simply cut a lemon in half and rub it all over your face. It might sting a little but the alpha hydroxyl from the lemons will help to exfoliate the skin and will eventually remove the blackheads.

2.     Dealing with Discoloration

Discoloration and hyper-pigmentation is a common phenomenon that occurs due to excess of melanin in the skin. Since lemons work as a bleaching agent, cutting a lemon and rubbing it over the discolored areas of skin can help to lighten the dark spots. It works well for lightening discolored armpits and elbows.

3.     Fighting Acne

The antibacterial properties of lemon help it in fighting acne and preventing skin breakouts. You can make a soothing lemon and cucumber toner to combat acne. Simply, fill a jar with 3 cups of water and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in it. Then, add about half a cup of cucumber slices in the jar. You can also add lemon slices (optional). Keep the concoction in the fridge and regularly apply with a cotton ball to see the results.

Now, when life gives you lemons, you know what you can do with them!

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