Get Rid of Dry, Cracked Heels Naturally At Home

Get Rid of Dry, Cracked Heels Naturally At Home

Most of us spend hours on taking care of our face and skin, applying tons of skincare products and following things like the 10-step Korean skin routine.

Given the number of times our face is exposed to heat and the air around us, it’s really important that we take special care of it. However, we often tend to ignore other important parts of our body, like our feet.

This usually results in cracked and dry heels, which don’t only look unsightly but can also cause severe pain and discomfort.

Having dry feet skin is bad enough already but with cracked and flaking heels in the picture, it’s even worse.

Here are some amazing home remedies you can try to treat those cracked heels naturally and get beautiful and soft feet in no time.

Coconut Oil

This oil is like a magical ingredient that works amazingly well for all your skin and hair problems. It is a natural sanitizer that helps kill all those germs and bacteria that can potentially lead to skin infections.

Apply a spoonful of coconut oil on your heels every night before going to bed and massage them for about 2 minutes. Cover them with soft socks and wash the next morning. Socks will help your skin absorb all the oil, making your cracked heels softer and smoother.

Shea Butter

As the name suggests, this has a rich, buttery texture and is loaded with all those essential vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants that help combat dry skin.

Massage your heels with a tablespoon or more of shea butter and cover with socks overnight. Or you can soak your feet in a bucket of hot water and a tablespoon of shea butter, massage them and then cover with socks.


This fruit is a natural skin moisturizer containing vitamins A, C and B6, which helps hydrate your skin and maintain its elasticity.

Take a ripe banana and mash it into a smooth paste. Rub it gently all over your feet, particularly your heels. Let the paste sit there for 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

While these ingredients are incredibly beneficial for your skin, there is no way you can get rid of cracked and dry heels overnight.

Include foot care in your daily skincare regimen and watch your feet become super soft and beautiful!

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