Amp-Up Your Moisturizer with These Essential Oils

essential oils

Do you have a stock of moisturizers lying around?

Oftentimes we get moisturizers that fail us miserably, but instead of throwing the expensive bottles out we shelf them on the wall of shame with the rest of the beauty products that didn’t deliver. However, moisturizers aren’t a collectible item so you should stop putting them up for display!

What, do we just throw them out? We’d be pouring our money down the drain. Nope! We try to use these flawed moisturizers.

How do you work with a downbeat moisturizer? You need to take matters into your own hands and amp up your moisturizer with a few drops of essential oils.

How do essential oils help?

Essential oils are rich with nutrients and minerals. Yet, they aren’t easy to use alone. They stay back on the surface and give your skin an icky oily feel. This means their moisturizing power is next to none.

When you add the oil to your moisturizer it is able to enter the skin cells and work effectively beneath the skin. Additionally, the essential oils add the much needed nutrients and minerals to your moisturizer.

Together the moisturizer and oil form a powerful blend that helps nourish the skin.

The mixture:

  • Keeps the skin soft and supple
  • Hydrated
  • Prevents it from getting dried and flaky

Which essential oils should you use?

Despite the name, essential oils aren’t an exclusive set of countable oils. They are found in multitudes and each of these oils are beneficial for you. In this case it might be hard for you to decide what to put in your moisturizing cream.

Here are three essential oils you should use to enrich your moisturizer:

These three essential oils are suitable for all skin types.

1. Chamomile:

This might be one of the most expensive oils out there but it is worth every tiny drop. It is full of anti-oxidants that protect the skin from damage. It clears those age spots / sun spots and subdues rashes and acne breakouts.

A few drops of this oil will keep your skin clean, clear and moisturized!

2. Almond Oil

Almonds are known carriers of Vitamin A. The vitamin helps your skin to regenerate new cells, removing signs of aging like fine lines and age spots. It also has numerous anti-oxidizing agents that keep the skin damage at bay.

More importantly the oil holds power to erase the dark circles that have been giving away your late night binge watching habit!

3. Vitamin E Oil

This oil is highly beneficial to rub off those scars, acne and wrinkles off your face. They also help bring in a shine and luminous sheen to your face because other than clearing off the blemishes on your face, it keeps it hydrated.

Hydration helps the skin to glow naturally!

While adding the essential oils to your moisturizer, remember that a few drops of oil are powerful enough to make the blend. If you add too much oil the moisturizer will most likely curdle, leaving you in a stickier mess than before.

So what are you waiting for? Get moisturized the right way with essential oils!

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