5 Reasons to Whip Up A Turmeric Mask Right Now

If there is one natural ingredient out there to help fight all  those skin problems at once, then it’s turmeric. It is vibrant spice that strengthens the immune system, cures indigestion, and heals away broken skin.

In addition to ingesting it, turmeric’s topical benefits are just as convincing. Here we give you 5 proven reasons to grab this holy spice from your kitchen counters and whip up a rich velvety mask.

This ingredient is chemically made up of a powerful anti-oxidant called Curcumin that makes it a:

1.     Natural Anti-inflammatory

Taking turmeric internally alone can help with problems like arthritis, joint pain, heartburn, and even Alzheimer’s! That’s because the curcumin in it gradually subdues the inflammation inside the body. Even acne on the skin is a consequence of inner inflammation. Applying turmeric mixed with a little gram flour and yogurt can successfully reduce the bacteria from acne.

2.     Skin-brightening Elixir

That’s right! Many people claim that their complexion dramatically improved and the skin tone evened out after regular use of a turmeric mask. Dark patches, pigmentation, and melasma can really diminish your facial look. You can use lemon and a few pinches of turmeric thrice a week to lighten up your skin tone in a month’s time.

3.     Proven Anti-aging Remedy

If the deep wrinkles and fine lines on your face are genuinely bothering you, then you should definitely try a turmeric mask infused in essential oils. It will gradually inhibit and control a key enzyme called elastase that digests the elastin in your body – the real reason why your skin crumples.

4.     Solution to Sun Damage

Continued exposure to sunlight can wear away our skin’s protective barriers, causing it to become wrinkled and saggy. Turmeric can reverse the UV damage to our exposed faces, hands, and feet. This is why many sunscreens now have curcumin extract in them.

5.     Recipe for Quick Wound Healing

As far as broken skin is concerned, turmeric has remained a herbal medicine for centuries. Studies show that curcumin has the ability to inhibit and minimize wound damage on the skin. If paired with honey, this paste can be applied to the problem area for quick healing.

We’re hoping that these reasons have been convincing enough!

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