3 Natural Ingredients You Need to Reduce Pores


Our skin is covered with tiny holes called pores which help our skin breathe. That sounds good, right?

Pores are also the most common spots to get accumulated with dirt and bacteria that damage your skin. Plus they secrete oil. The larger the pores the more oil they produce. This is probably why you have an oily skin that always feels icky!

So should we get rid of the pores? Should we block them? Only if you want your skin to die of suffocation!

Our best bet for a non-oily, healthy, clean face is pore reduction. You need to make those tiny pores even smaller. While there are many products that claim to do just that, why waste the money especially if you can DIY at home!

Here are three natural methods that reduce pores:

1. Yogurt

You probably have a bowl or container of yogurt in your fridge right? Well what if we tell you that this is no ordinary dairy. It is your solution to big bothersome pores.

Yogurt is made up of good bacteria, which fights against the impurities attacking your face. Yogurt not only helps pull the dirt away, it also helps keep the pores down to their minimum size in order to keep the dirt from coming back in.

How to apply it?

You do not need to add anything to your yogurt.

  1. Apply it directly to your face.
  2. Keep it for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with warm water.

A monthly yogurt mask will keep the skin smooth.

2. Egg Whites

This common baking ingredient doubles up as a skincare agent. Egg whites can be used as a toner. They have astringent properties that help tighten up your skin.

How to apply it?

  1. Separate the egg yolk from the egg whites.
  2. Squeeze in some lemon juice to your egg whites to disguise the egg’s smell.
  3. Wash your face with warm water.
  4. Apply a thin coat on your face.
  5. Rinse your face with warm water.

The egg mask not only reduces pores but fine lines too.

3. Cucumber

Cool off your beauty regime with a cucumber. Like the egg white this vegetable has astringent properties that keep the pores tight.

How to apply it?

  1. Extract the cucumber juice with a blender/juicer.
  2. Dab cotton balls in the juice and apply it on your face.
  3. Apply it for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Then wash it off with cool water.

Do this weekly and keep your skin hydrated!

In the era of DIYs, these home remedies sure come in handy to reduce those pores. Furthermore, without burning a hole in your pocket! Are you ready to let nature work its magic on your skin?

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