We all want long, lustrous, healthy and strong hair that doesn’t only look beautiful but also feels equally amazing.

However, this is easier said than done. While hair care is extremely important, it is also very difficult to regularly care for your hair, using hair oils, hair masks and what not.

But it’s nothing impossible.

Gone are the days when you had to spend exorbitant amounts of money on expensive hair treatments to make your locks soft, healthy and shiny. And why should you, when the most amazing and magical ingredients for your hair are sitting right inside your pantry!

Here are some incredible secret hair ingredients for beautiful, rich hair.

Flaunt That Gorgeous Mane with These 4 Secret Hair IngredientsOnion Juice

This has to be one of the oldest and most effective remedies in the books for hair growth. Packed with sulphur, onion juice helps stimulate the production of collagen in the tissues that significantly boosts hair growth.

You are likely to hate the smell initially but don’t let that stop you from using it on your hair because the results are really worth it!

Flaunt That Gorgeous Mane with These 4 Secret Hair IngredientsCoconut Milk

This is highly rich in potassium, iron and essential fats, which are all excellent for natural hair growth. These compounds together boost the action of your hair follicles, leading to faster hair growth.

Flaunt That Gorgeous Mane with These 4 Secret Hair IngredientsFenugreek

Typically used in food recipes, fenugreek was one of the most widely used herbs in the old times for hair problems. It is packed full of proteins and nicotinic acid that stimulate hair growth, and also makes it silky and smooth.

Flaunt That Gorgeous Mane with These 4 Secret Hair IngredientsEggs

No surprises here, eggs are probably one of the most famous and commonly used remedies for hair growth and shine all over the world. They contain large amounts of protein, which leads to the formation of new hair follicles.

Eggs are also rich in iron, iodine, phosphorus, sulphur and zinc, which are excellent components not just for hair growth but also for shiny and soft hair.

Whip up these magical ingredients into a hair mask and give your hair the food that it needs to stay healthy and beautiful!

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