Morgan Cosmetics Black Soap

black soap

Black soap is a skincare product made of viscous olive oil. It has a very thick, almost sticky texture unlike traditional soaps. Because the main ingredient is olive oil and olives, black soap is high in vitamin E. It’s extremely moisturizing and acts as a defense against signs of aging. Unlike other soaps, black soap does a better job of removing pollutants and dead skin for a more thorough cleanse. It’s suitable for all skin types, but especially beneficial for people who have mature skin.

Morgan Cosmetics

We recently received a stash of goodies from Morgan Cosmetics, an all-natural, ethical cosmetic company with headquarters in the capital of Morocco. This includes their pure, organic argan oil. If you haven’t already, check out our recent review of their pure argan oil.

Morgan Cosmetics is a relatively new company that’s positioning itself as one of the leading manufacturers of the finest, pure argan oil. They’re committed to using only high-quality ingredients so you receive the best  best treatment for your hair and skin care needs.

Their Moroccan Black Soap with Argan is a traditional blend of pure olive oil and macerated olives. It’s a perfect mild exfoliator, as it removes dead skin cells for smooth, refreshing skin.

One ingredient that you may question is potassium hydroxide. This is the last ingredient in Morgan Cosmetic’s product. Potassium hydroxide is commonly used in skin and hair care products. It attracts water from its environment and is known as a “low hazard ingredient” due to the small concentration found in cosmetics products. Furthermore, it’s an essential ingredient in soap making.

Benefits of Black Soap

Black soap has a very rich concentration of antioxidants from vitamin E and A. These antioxidants can:

  • Clear skin
  • Smooth fine lines
  • Treat skin irritants
  • Treat discoloration
  • Remove brown spots and red spots

You can buy black soap in a deep brown or a bright olive color. Whichever color you get, they share equal benefits.

In Morocco, people commonly use black as preparation for skin exfoliation (even though black soap is a mild exfoliant on its own). Moroccan people use it along with a Kessa exfoliating glove for Kessa baths. These traditional baths rid the body of physical impurities.

Kessa Scrub and Hammam Rituals

In Moroccan culture, people often use black soap with a Kessa scrub glove during showers and baths. It can be used to exfoliate the face and body. Additionally, it helps apply the black soap and create a gentle lather.

Hammam Rituals are cleansing rituals popular in Morocco. They’re done in steam rooms with the use of -obviously- steam, and black soap.

How it Works: You cleanse your body from head to toe with soap and a kessa glove. In a traditional ceremony, a Tellak (hammam attendant) is there to pour water over you before the cleansing process. But of course, you don’t need to live in Morocco to enjoy this experience. Purchase Morgan Cosmetic’s Moroccon black soap and a kassa glove. Head to your nearest steam room and perform your own 15 minute cleansing “ritual.” When you’re done, gently massage your skin with organic argan oil.

In the end, you will feel more relaxed and at peace.

Our Experience with Morgan Cosmetic’s Black Soap 

black soapWe were gifted an 8 oz. jar of Morgan Cosmetics Moroccan black soap. Because of the consistency, I personally had trouble the first two times using the product. It was sticky, slippery, and more of the product fell on my bathtub than on my skin.

Finally, I put my thinking cap on and massaged the black soap into my body sponge to create a mild lather, as it doesn’t lather much. 

Don’t get me wrong: after researching hammam baths and kaffa gloves, I was tempted to purchase the latter. While I didn’t make the purchase, I plan to in the future. When you’re in possession of high-quality ingredients and products with a vibrant history, why not experience the product to its fullest abilities? Therefore, with black soap and kaffa glove in hand, I plan to go to a steam room for my very own Hammam bath.

My Thoughts

I can say the usual benefits of similar natural, cleansing products: it soothes my skin, it cleanses more efficiently and afterwards, my skin feels softer. All very true. But the black soap and a hot bath is more of a healing process. It calms the mind and body, loosens the limbs and creates an overall relaxing sensation. It goes far beyond the physical benefits of most skincare products.

The black soap is suitable for all skin (perhaps with the exception of sensitive skin types), but I was only able to use it every other day. After I used Morgan Cosmetic’s black soap for three days straight, my skin began to dry out. This is likely because I have dry skin. If you also have dry skin, I recommend using it 3-4 times a week (maybe less) and always apply Morgan Cosmetic’s pure argan oil after you shower. It replenishes the skin with moisture, nourish and shine.

If you buy your own black soap, reap the full benefits. Purchase a kaffa glove, and I repeat, use them together in a sauna for fifteen minutes for an otherworldly experience.

About Ria Rankine

I'm a vegan who enjoys natural skincare products and enjoying a healthy lifestyle.

View all posts by Ria Rankine

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