Are Chemical Peels Good for Dry Skin?

chemical peels

A Chemical Peel is a procedure that is done to improve the appearance of your skin. A formulated chemical is applied to your face that peels off the top layers of your skin in order to hide imperfections.  The chemical makes the skin swell up and then gradually peel off.  The new skin is smoother, softer and less wrinkled. Chemical peels are a great substitute for laser facials.

Chemical peels can be used to treat acne, freckles, scarring, skin texture, dry skin, skin damaged by sun exposure and to reduce wrinkles. There are three main types of the procedure: light, medium and deep. Chemical peels contain alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA), beta hydroxyl acids (BHA), tricholoracetic acid (THA), or phenol.  The outcome you are looking for will dictate the depth of the procedure. A light peel would help with surface level problems of the skin such as dry skin and a deeper peel could help with reducing fine lines and wrinkles from the inside.

Chemical peels that contain AHA are good for dry skin.  Here’s why:

1. Contains Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid resolves skin concerns related to dryness, texture, skin clarity, elasticity and firmness.  The acid works at removing the top dull layers of the skin. Glycolic acid belongs to the group of chemicals called alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA).  This acid is found in fruits and milk.  This supports the production of collagen which help repair damaged cells and makes the skin lose its dry texture.

2. Has Humectant properties

Chemical peels with AHA hold humectant properties. This means that AHA’s help hold moisture in the skin and prevent it from drying out frequently. Humectants also keep the skin hydrated which serves to help with dryness.  This will facilitate to preserve younger looking skin.

3. Aids exfoliation

AHA’s act as exfoliators.  They rapidly work on removing dead, dry skin as well as cleaning out clogged pores. This leaves the skin clean, even toned and glowing.  Debris on the skin inhibits its ability to absorb active ingredients in your skin care regime. Once removed, it will increase your skins ability to retain moisture. The end result is smoother, softer skin.

4. Reduces wrinkles

Having dry skin increases the chances of an early show of wrinkles. AHA’s help in keeping the skin moisturized and therefore helps maintain its firmness.  By taking off the top dry layer of the skin it improves cell repair and growth, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

5. Simple procedure

Light chemical peels containing AHA barely takes 10 minutes to do and 5 days recovery time. Initially after the treatment you will have a light red tinge to your skin like any other sunburn. The skin gets rough the following morning which means that the procedure has worked. It takes about 5 days to completely come into effect but you can go back to your daily life without any actual downtime. The procedure is conducted with lower concentrations of the acid in the beginning to get your skin used to it. Eventually, as resistance builds the concentration level is increased.

Chemical peels are an effective spend if you are looking for solutions to your dry skin.

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