When to Use Face Serums & When to Use Face Oils

face serums

A skincare routine is something everyone needs to follow, religiously. Your skincare routine goes a long way in keeping your skin looking timelessly young. And not just that- you also get that fair, glow on your face that just feels as good as it looks.

So, when you are devising a skincare routine, it won’t be a surprise if you find yourself a little confused between choosing one or the other skincare product when you come across face serums and face oils.

Confused? Well, keep reading to find out what exactly is what and when it needs to be used.

Face Serums

Face serums are one of the most renowned skincare products that almost every beautician talks about. This skincare treatment is highly concentrated when it comes to the ingredients used in it. This is why serum is supposed to be used in minimal amounts as just a few drops of it can deeply integrate into your skin and reach the bottom of your skin cell layer. This is because the particles that develop serums are super small which makes it easy for them to penetrate into your skin.

Serums comprise of two main ingredients amongst which the first one is water. However, the water concentration is higher which is what adds to the thickness and density of the serum. The second ingredients are the actives. These actives are minerals and vitamins that boast antioxidant effects as well as glycolic acids that deeply cleanse your skin and prevent it from becoming too oily.

Face serums are supposed to be used after you have cleaned your face with a cleansing lotion or a face wash. The purpose of using serum is to prevent excess oil accumulation, acne breakouts, pigmentation, and aging.

Face Oils

Cosmetologists and beauty experts all around the world recommend face oils for their many miraculous benefits. This is because face oils contain more organic and natural ingredients which make them Eco-friendly and perfect for all types of skin depending on the herbs used in them. While serums are mostly recommended to people with oily skins, face oils are supposed to be used by people with dry or mature skin.

Face oils are a mixture of essential oils. The face oil carries lipids which is an essential part of your skincare. This is because lipids help in building up moisture in your dried out skin, bringing back its glow by keeping it hydrated. In addition, the difference between serums and face oils is of the particles as face oils boast larger particles that settle on the skin’s exterior instead of penetrating deeply into it.

Face oil should be applied at night once you are through with cleaning your face. You don’t need a moisturizer if you use face oils since they have all the vital moisture needed to hydrate your skin. This helps you achieve shining and younger looking skin. Face oils are perfect in eliminating wrinkles from around the eyes and face lines.

Use your products wisely for an impeccable skin!

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