How to Maintain Beautiful Skin During Pregnancy

How to Maintain Beautiful Skin During Pregnancy

Are you pregnant? Congratulations girl. We’re here to tell you about how you can maintain your youthful glowing skin during your pregnancy. Pregnant women often experience skin related issues which is mostly due to the hormonal changes going on in the body. They encounter issues like patchiness, flaky skin, hyperpigmentation, acne and/or dullness. However, you must remember there are multiple way to tackle these issues without letting them effect the pregnancy in any way.

Staying Hydrated

The first tip we can give you is to drink a lot of water and healthy juices. Lots of bodily fluids are lost during pregnancy as they go straight to the baby and this can leave your skin feeling dull and parched. Hence, it is really important to stay hydrated. You might have to try a few different juices just to be sure which one suits you at the time because some tastes and smells can trigger nausea. So try a few fresh juices out and if you want to avoid all this hassle, be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. This helps flush out the toxins and keep your skin hydrated. It is the easiest and the best way to nourish your skin.

Dryness in Skin

If you start to notice dryness and flaky skin, you need to find a good moisturizer that will suit your skin type. Secondly, you must remember to apply it at least twice, daily. This will help reduce dryness, irritation and it often helps counter stretch marks caused due to pregnancy. Applying a moisturizer with vitamin E or cocoa butter helps keep you away from dry irritable skin.

Healthy Sleep

Sleeping is a costless yet extremely important factor that keeps your skin healthy and beautiful, so make the most of it before the baby comes. Plenty of rest is required specially during pregnancy. It will give you more energy for the day and will surely prevent dark circles.

Sun Sensitivity

Another side effect of pregnancy is aggravated sun sensitivity. Your skin can burn much easily while you’re pregnant and all gynecologists will suggest that you stay away from all chemical filled creams. The simplest advice here would be to just avoid the sun by staying under the shade, wearing sunglasses and keeping that hat on. However, conditions aren’t always so ideal so find yourself a pregnancy friendly sunscreen which contains zinc-oxide. This will help save your skin from sun burn and irritation.

Avoid Makeup

Next, make sure you keep your skin clean. Avoid using excessive makeup and if you do, we suggest using a gentle cleanser that won’t strip away more oils and moisture from your skin. Try out cleansing balms or coconut oil to remove your makeup.

Lastly, stay away from retinoids. Any kind of cream that leads to vitamin A being absorbed in your skin can be harmful for the baby.

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