The Best Spring Routine for Oily Skin

oily skin

For people who have oily skin, it’s time to prepare for warmer months. Summer is on the way and for all you know, you can’t enjoy that natural, rosy glow and freshness on your face that you had during the winter. You could always keep your skin perfectly moisturized during winter and keep those acne breakouts at bay. However, there are ways to keep those acne breakouts at bay even during spring time or summer if you have oily skin. It gets tiring when trying to customize your skincare routine according to the season. But there are simple tips your could follow to keep your skin fresh and hydrated. There are several ways you can control the oil production on your face and enjoy smooth, supple skin all day. The key is to keep it simple and go easy on the makeup.

Apply rose water toner

Rose water toner is gentle on oily skin and you could use it a few times a day without the fear of your skin getting too oily. Rose water helps regulate sebum production, restores natural pH balance and revives tired, dull-looking skin. So even if you look exhausted and your makeup is wearing down, spraying rose water can help refresh your look in no time.

You could also add rose water to your homemade facial masks for brightening effects and to keep your skin glowing. Rose water can be used as a spray, make-up remover and cleanser.

Face mask for your weekly routine

Clay masks work well for oily skin types in controlling oil production and drawing out impurities. Throughout the week, your face is exposed to pollutants, dirt, and dust that accumulate on your skin, cause pores to become clogged, and cause breakouts. Combine oily skin with dirt, makeup, and excess oil, and imagine all that is building up on your face.

Thus, adding face mask to your weekly routine can work in bringing out best results. Other than clay masks, cucumber and yoghurt masks also help in cleansing and keeping face soft. Yoghurt and cucumber have a soothing effect on skin, which can help control acne.

Get back to bathing every day

You can’t bathe daily during the winter season. Once spring arrives, get back into the routine of your morning or evening showers. Bathing regularly helps wash off all the dirt and impurities that build up on your body throughout the day and help you feel refreshed. Bathing is also effective in keeping body odors at bay. This way, you can feel confident about yourself every day.

Don’t over-do bathing either as it could cause skin to dry out and make you prone to infections. Use lukewarm water as hot water also takes away the natural moisture from your skin and could destroy natural moisture.

Keep out of the sun

This is not always possible as there is work to do and outdoor activities with friends or family. Use a good –quality sunblock for your skin type, half an hour before going into the sun, and re-apply every 3 hours.

The key to get radiant skin is to drink ample amount of water daily and eat proper. Eating the right foods can help you recover quickly from acne breakouts and prevent future breakouts. Also, always remove makeup before bedtime as your skin needs to rejuvenate throughout the night; makeup clogs your pores and prevents skin from breathing. Go simple and enjoy your springtime.

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