Mint Leaves. Five Health Benefits

We know mint for its refreshing and cooling flavor, a favorite in chewing gum. But do you know of the several other benefits mint holds for your health?

Known as mentha, or mint, this family of plants includes about 20 different species. Mint leaves are a tender herb and can be added at the end of cooking or even used raw. Incorporating more mint into your diet can have a number of beneficial effects on your health.

1.     Treats common cold

Common colds can indeed be very common. However, next time you catch one, don’t be annoyed. Boil some mint leaves in water and drink this ‘mint tea’ at least twice a day. The menthol in mint is a natural aromatic decongestant. It helps break up mucus so it is easily expelled. Moreover, the cooling property of menthol, when combined with tea, helps soothe sore throat as well.

2.     Fights allergies

Mint is rich in rosmarinic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It has been found highly effective in treating seasonal allergies. Although it will take some time, mint leaves are the solution if you are looking for a natural, herbal treatment.

3.     Improves digestion

Mint has been used for several years to aid digestion and treat an upset stomach. Peppermint is found to reduce bloating and help ease the discomfort from gas. Mint consumption will also support healthy cholesterol levels and prevent you from the risk of heart attack or stroke.

4.     Soothes skin irritations

Applied as a lotion or with ointment, mint can have a calming and cooling effect and soothe irritations caused by insect bites or rashes.

5.     Maintains oral health

Besides freshening breath, mint also promotes oral hygiene as it is a strong antimicrobial agent. Therefore, preventing any mouth infections and maintaining healthy gums.

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