Charcoal Masks: What It Is & The Benefits

charcoal masks

Charcoal masks have recently become a popular trend in skin care. They are thin, black masks that can make your skin clear and glow. The masks are designed to remove toxins from your skin and clear blackheads from pores. They promise to make your skin healthier by absorbing oils and exfoliating your skin.

Their popularity is immense, but before using anything on your skin you need to see whether it is actually good for you. Skin can be a very sensitive area. It is important to educate yourself on products before using it.

What are Charcoal Masks made of?

The main ingredient in charcoal masks is activated charcoal. It is used for all sorts of detox treatments as toxins stick to charcoal. When you use the mask, it is designed to absorb toxins and cleanse your skin. It’s a natural ingredient so no chemicals can harm your skin. Using organic products on your skin is always better. Chemicals can often be harsh causing acne and burns.

Benefits of Charcoal Masks

Charcoal masks have many benefits that enhance your skin, making it healthier.

Smaller Pores

Toxins can fill the pores in the skin resulting in an unclear complexion. Charcoal masks pull out these toxins and decrease the size of pores. When they are empty, pores tend to close up. You will be left with glowing, fresh skin.

Balancing Oily and Dry Skin

Activated charcoal can balance oily skin by removing excess oil from the skin. Use this mask a few times a month to have the right amount of oils in your skin. This will create healthier skin. Refrain from using it a lot if you have dry skin.

Curing Acne

Activated charcoal can help some acne cases as it exfoliates your skin. People with acne conditions often have an oily skin full of toxins. Charcoal masks can help with that, especially if you use mini masks for your blemishes.

Cleansing Skin

Charcoal masks cleanse your skin by neutralizing any acidity in your skin. It absorbs dirt and dust that can often accumulate after a day outside. If your skin is irritant and itchy due to dust, charcoal masks can deep cleanse your skin. Most face cleansers nowadays also come with activated charcoal.

Healing Properties

Activated charcoal has been used since decades for its medical properties from treating drug overdose patients to diarrhea. Likewise, it can heal any irritants in your skin as well. Charcoal masks can help heal and relieve symptoms of cuts, bites, and skin irritations. It doesn’t lead to allergic reactions or irritated skin so even if you have sensitive skin, charcoal masks can be used.

What’s the end verdict?

Like with any skin care product in the market, charcoal masks may work for some and not for others. If you invest in good quality products you will see quite a difference and have great skin. Read up on reviews before trying a product and have fun!

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