Tips for Keeping Your Skin Flawless in Winter

Tips for Keeping Your Skin Flawless in Winter

Winter can wreak havoc on your skin; it is just simply not fun for your skin. Cold weather and low humidity level results in dry air, which then steals moisture away from skin, making it look dull and flaky. What we do not know is that the central heating system of our home plays a key role is sucking up moisture from skin.

If you are getting worried already, we have your back! The following simple tips will help in keeping your skin look flawless in winters:

Drink it all up!

Hydration is the key. Drinking a lot of water or consuming fruits and vegetables with high water content is helpful. It is beneficial to consume seasonal production. Consuming kiwis, oranges, tomatoes, avocadoes, fish, and olive oil offer all the essentials you need to keep your skin hydrated and maintain mineral levels.

Lower it down

The healthcare experts suggest rinsing face with low temperature water. We know that hot baths and showers feel great, but they take away moisture from your skin, especially, facial skin. We understand that it would be impossible to take cold showers, but you can take shower with lukewarm water to retain skin moisture.


Moisturizing is the key if you want your skin to be healthy and glowing. Be it Summer or Winter, moisturizing will not only keep your skin hydrated, but also help in keeping it oiled naturally. However, some over-the-counter moisturizers contain petroleum-based ingredients that can dry your skin in the winter. Make sure to choose a smart formula that contains natural and nourishing ingredients.

Moisturizing overnight can be of great help during the winter season. Your hands, feet, elbows and knees all have a tendency to lose moisture faster than other parts of your body, so keeping the moisturizer on all night will help lock the moisture in.

Avoid it

Our skin tends to be more sensitive in winter, so you might have to avoid habits that are benefiting in other seasons such as washing face regularly. You have to make sure that the products you are using to clean your skin do not dry it out further. For your face, try something that is soap-free and does not really lather up. If a cleanser tightens your skin after rinsing, then it is a sign of dryness.

If you follow the above-mentioned tips, then you will not regret for your skin. In addition, make sure, you take every precaution to protect your skin this winter. You will feel better throughout the cold months, and step into spring with healthier and radiant skin.

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