Should You Try the 3-Week Hard-Boiled Egg Diet?

hard-boiled egg diet

You might have seen a lot of people following the 3-week hard-boiled egg diet. You must be wondering if it’s a good idea to follow this diet or not. Before we shed light on its significance, let us first tell you what this diet really comprises of.

The egg diet is a protein-heavy diet where the carbs are kept low. It’s great for losing weight without depriving its followers from protein.  As the name suggests, it focuses on the consumption of eggs as a primary source of protein.

There are multiple versions of an egg diet but in each one, you have to eat eggs as a primary food. You can also have it in combination with some other lean protein food such as chicken, turkey, or fish. You can also consider eating some fruits and vegetables in this diet such as broccoli, asparagus, grapefruit, zucchini, mushrooms, and spinach.

Is This Diet Worth It?

There are a few benefits to point out regarding this easy-to-follow egg diet. Firstly, you don’t have to buy a number of food products in order to maintain this diet, letting you save a major chunk of your money. Secondly, it helps you get all the nutritious benefits of eggs.

However, the general consensus among doctors and healthcare communities is that the egg diet isn’t the safest way to lose calories. Despite what version of the egg diet you are following, it is estimated that your calories will come in at under 1,000 calories a day. According to Harvard Medical School, it’s absolutely unsafe for women to consume at least less than 1,200 calories while for men less than 1,500 calories per day.

Many studies show that eating eggs for up to seven weeks results in no harmful side-effects. Even diabetic patients can eat eggs liberally (for up to 12 weeks) without affecting their cholesterol level or blood sugar level. However, according to a recent study, an egg diet may result in an increased possibility of developing a cardiovascular disease.

Although some studies claim that this diet can increase your metabolism and decrease the amount of fat present in your body, there are many side-effects of this high-protein, low carb diet. The most common after-effect is the lack of energy one might feel due to the lack of carbs in your body. This can make it difficult to exercise regularly.

Shifting to a high-protein, low-carb diet could be quite challenging for your digestive system to adjust to a sudden change. As a result, you may suffer from nausea, constipation, or even bad breath. Also, a 2015 study noted that men who consumed more than six eggs per week were 30% more likely to suffer from heart problems!

Although this diet is simple, it is not a sustainable diet. It has been observed that many people revert back to their old eating habits as soon as hard-boiled egg diet ends. The extra calories that are shed during the diet are accumulated again which isn’t healthy at all.

Share your thoughts on this topic. Would you commit to a three week hard-boiled egg diet?

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