Dieting and Skin Care. How Does it Affect Your Skin?

Dieting and Skin Care. How Does it Affect Your Skin?

Even though dieting and skin care seem like two mutually exclusive ideas, that is not true. Often times, people think that having a healthy diet or increasing the consumption of a specific nutrient has no or negligible effect on the health of your skin. However, your intake can be a huge cause to the quality of your skin being good or bad. You can be buying the most expensive products there are, but if you’re still indulging in junk food or unhealthy items, the probability of getting your desired results will reduce.

So the question is: how does diet affect your skin?

Most of you must have heard the saying, “you are what you eat”. Well, it’s pretty much like that. A balanced and nutritious diet will help your skin deter acne, discoloration, and pimples. On the other hand, if you have a high-fat consumption, then your skin is likely to produce more oil which can lead to changes in your skin type or even be a cause of acne. Hence, it’s better to reduce the percentage consumption of certain food items to take good care of your skin. Mentioned below, are some examples of how dieting and skin care work together.

Drop the sugar

Avoiding sugar proves to be of great help. Sweet foods with high refined sugar content can drastically shoot up insulin levels and can contribute to the growth of acne. If you are one of those people who have a sweet tooth, you can replace refined sugar products with natural sugar foods such as fruits and dry fruits.

Observe whether dairy is the cause

Many times it is thought that dairy can be a contributor to acne. However, this is still a topic to be discussed. This is most common for those of you who use packaged milk in the U.S. This milk is taken from pregnant cows with a high particular hormone content, this hormone results in increasing your body’s sebum production and leading to or worsening of acne.

This was all about what you should avoid, but does dieting only contribute negatively? The answer is no. There are many foods which you can increase in consumption for healthier skin. For example:

Avocado and Fish

This guideline is specifically for those of you who have a dry skin type. Avocados and most fish are high in oil content. Their composition leads to their consumption being beneficial for dry skin types, they stimulate a healthy amount of sebum production in the skin, increasing its flexibility and moisture.

Walnuts and sunflower seeds

Walnuts contain a higher content of omega 3. Products with such properties are known to reduce inflammation. Walnuts also contain zinc that helps fight bacteria and strengthens your skin. Alongside this, sunflower seeds are packed with selenium, Vitamin E and zinc. These reduce wrinkles, produce collagen and act as antioxidants.

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