It can be safely said that acne is one of the most frustrating skin problems an individual might undergo. Apart from pesky pimples taking over your face, the issue worsens when they are taking over your back. With painful pimples on the back, simple tasks like sleeping can become hard. The worst part is that you are unable to spot the acne yourself, which makes it hard to determine how severe it is.
Similar to the acne on your face, acne on the back happens because of bacteria and excessive sebum being produced from the skin pores. If not treated, this acne can start coming on your shoulders, legs, arms and chest. When not correctly treated, acne can lead to scarring.
The common solution is to massage oil or acne lotions, but the issue is that these products tend to block pores that worsen the issue. To name a few problems that can also lead to back acne are:
- tight clothes
- unbalanced diet
- extra stress
- improper hygiene
- hormonal changes
This is why the smart thing to do is to resort to home remedies. These natural solutions will effectively target your back acne as it prevents it from occurring in the future.
Try this!
Apple cider vinegar
The most recommended natural treatment for acne would be apple cider vinegar. This vinegar hinders skin inflammations and the production of bacteria that causes skin issues because it is an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial ingredient. Moreover, it balances the pH levels of your skin and this is important in order to keep your skin clean and clear. To use it, here is what you need to do:
- Mix 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with a cup of water. Liberally use this concoction on the problematic area of your back and wait for 10 minutes. Rinse it off with water and apply water-based moisturizer on top of it. Repeat this step at least 3 times a day until the acne is gone.
- If you want to become healthy from within, drink apple cider vinegar every day. Add 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar with organic honey into warm water and drink it two times a day.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is highly recommended to treat acne related issues. This essential oil is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-septic that can cure acne effectively. When you apply it topically, it gets absorbed into the skin and dries the acne out while reducing the inflammation and redness. To use it, here is what you need to do:
- Apply 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil on a cotton ball and begin dabbing it on the affected area very gently. Let it stay on for 20 minutes before you rinse it off with warm water. Repeat this step once daily.
- As a substitute, you can also mix 5 drops of tea tree oil with 1 teaspoon of honey and start applying it on your back. Let it penetrate for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. Repeat this step once daily.
Warning– Individuals with sensitive skin should only use tea tree oil when it is diluted. One part of tea tree oil must be diluted in three parts of water.
These are the 2 most recommended remedies for back acne. Being consistent with them will allow you to diminish this issue sooner than ever while it clears up the marks caused by the pimples.